

Abbreviated into FEEH, Food, Educaton, Employment and Health


Nigeria is Africa’s wealthiest., most populous nation and its fastest-growing economy. Despite this, more than half of the country live below the poverty line while its Northern part suffers the world’s third-highest level of chronic undernutrition amongst children. In March 2004, a Non-Governmental Organization, Food Aid International (FAI) said about 3,000 people die daily of hunger in Nigeria. This silent crisis is caused by rising food insecurity, poverty and poor knowledge of healthy feeding practices.

Byinks Foundation is responding to this crisis by meeting the humanitarian needs of people with the provision of food and essential needs. Our target is to help save as many Nigerians as possible from the devastating effect of hunger.


Education is the bedrock of development but unfortunately education in Nigeria is bisected with myriads of problems. These include poor funding, poor educational infrastructure, inadequate classroom teaching aids, paucity of quality of teachers and poor learning environment. In addition to these inadequacies, education is not affordable for all and sundry. With the minimum wage and level of poverty, it is hard for some homes to send their children to school because of high rate of school fees, prohibitive cost of books and so on. Most people cannot further their education because of the high rate of acquiring University education. Consequently, most brilliant but indigent students do not have the opportunity of attending Tertiary Institutions of learning.

One of the major objectives of Byinks Foundation is to sponsor not fewer than 1,500 students from poor and less-privileged backgrounds annually through their University education and closely monitor their performance while nurturing the humanitarian spirit, which enables them develop the habit of giving back to the society thereby creating what we tag’Principle of Relay Baton


Unemployment or joblessness as defined by the International Labour Organization (1982) occurs when people are without jobs and they have sought work within five weeks without success. In Nigeria, the rate of unemployment is frightening, with the National Bureau of Statistics putting the figure at 19.7% (about 30 million). This figure is exclusive of the 40 million Nigerian youths captured in the 2010 World Bank statistics. The challenge of youth employment has occasioned a myriad of social anomalies, including the resort of youth vandalization in the South-South, militancy in the Niger Delta, street urchins in the South-West, particularly Lagos, Insurgences in the North-East, to mention a few.

At Byinks Foundation, we understand that high population growth, rural-urban migration are not the major causes of unemployment and youth restiveness but lack of employable skills due to low tertiary school enrolment as well as the quality of our graduates. In view of this, we not only offer scholarships to deserving candidates, we closely monitor them to ensure high academic performance throughout their period of study at the University. Our target is to have all our beneficiaries graduate with either a first-class or a second-class upper grade with a view to making them competitive in the labour market and as successful Entrepreneurs if they so wish


Education is the bedrock of development but unfortunately education in Nigeria is bisected with myriads of problems. These include poor funding, poor educational infrastructure, inadequate classroom teaching aids, paucity of quality of teachers and poor learning environment. In addition to these inadequacies, education is not affordable for all and sundry. With the minimum wage and level of poverty, it is hard for some homes to send their children to school because of high rate of school fees, prohibitive cost of books and so on. Most people cannot further their education because of the high rate of acquiring University education. Consequently, most brilliant but indigent students do not have the opportunity of attending Tertiary Institutions of learning.

One of the major objectives of Byinks Foundation is to sponsor not fewer than 1,500 students from poor and less-privileged backgrounds annually through their University education and closely monitor their performance while nurturing the humanitarian spirit, which enables them develop the habit of giving back to the society thereby creating what we tag’Principle of Relay Baton